4. Watch bottom pool

A camera to watch bottom pool condition is attached on the same carrier for the surface camera. The carrier moves at constant speed which fits the welding current. The trainee can watch the bottom camera image on his helmet.
The controller checks the bottom pool size and brightness to evaluate welding quality. The welding quality is noticed to the trainee by five kinds of melody.

For page

monitor from 4 cameras

(1) Images from four different cameras are gathered into one image, and this image is recorded.
(2) Positions of each cameras are matter of user.
(3) Left down image shows the bottom pool condition. Size and brightness is calculated to evaluate welding quality.
(4) Back side is fully shielded to avoid oxcidation.
(5) The interference filter is matter of choice.

Tune up cameras

1.Exact position of the bottom camera is seached by infrared light.
2. Exact position of the surface camera on the carriag is tuned by the same light.
3. The carriage is move to the start point. This point is noticed to the trainee.

Next page   2012.02.12open, 2016.7.26revised